The danger of keeping a secret relationship

The plan of the enemy is to steal, kill and destroy. And the enemy doesn't destroy a person in isolation, he uses someone close to perpetrate his act. 
When the devil sought means of destroying mankind, he went through Eve; when the enemy (Philistines) looked for how to destroy Samson, they planted a woman in his life; when the devil sought after ways to destroy your life and destiny, he keeps a man or woman in your life and when the person seeks for how to destroy it further, they'll tell you to make the relationship SECRET. 
Relationship is a journey and the kind of 'ship' you cruise in determines the outcome of your life. There are some people who entered into a relationship and their lives where destroyed and some were told to make their relationship secret, only to have their lives shattered. 
Are you in a secret relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend? I'll focus on singles on this article and by His grace prepare one for the married. Here are the reasons why you don't need to keep secret relationship. 
1. There will be no room for guidance 
A secret relationship is one that's devoid of godly counsel. Whoever makes your relationship secret doesn't want you to receive counsel from those who can help you. 
Such a fellow will shut you out from the reach of your parents, friends and those who have oversight on your life. 
2. You will be manipulated and controlled 
Manipulation thrives in secrecy. When you're in a secret relationship, you'll be used to the advantage and purpose of whoever tells you to keep it secret. 
They will control everything about your life - who you talk to, how you spend your time, where you should go or who you should be friends with. 
Don't be clouded in 'lust' in that relationship because your life and destiny will be controlled and manipulated. 
3. You'll suffer terrible consequences 
When a man is locked up inside a room where he has no access to sunlight and air, his skin will lack essential exposure that would aid it's development. 
Such is the case of anyone that's kept in a secret relationship. Since you have been deceived and isolated from godly friends and their counsel, you'll begin to face terrible consequences in life. 
Are you friends with someone who told you not to tell anyone that you're both in a relationship? Is such a fellow keeping you away from your friends and family? Be careful! 
No matter how juicy or rosy that relationship would be, it'll end up destroying your life. You're not meant to be isolated from God, godly friends and your family in any relationship. You can't be friends with someone and become an enemy to their friends or family. 
A secret relationship is the surest way to destruction in life and in eternity. 
Remember, for there's nothing done in the secret that shall not be made known...if not by consequences, time or regrets, it'll be revealed on the day of judgment! 
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