How to become a woman of worth

Rome, they say was not built in a day. It took a great while for the city of Rome to be established. Becoming a woman of worth is not attained by sudden flight, you must prune yourself into becoming one. However, the journey of a thousand miles start with a step and with consistency, it is accomplished. 
Now that you're not married, what kind of woman would you become in marriage? It's either marriage brings out the best in you or it reveals your worse. 
Who's a woman of worth? A woman of worth is a celebrity but not all female celebrities are worthy of emulation. She's a celebrity because her price is far above rubies. She didn't make her way into greatness through using what her mama gave her, through discipline, determination, courage and purpose; she became known. 
A woman of worth in a family is far better than dozens of women whose price can be named. She's closely related to the woman described in Proverbs 31 because they share same qualities. 
Dear Christian sisters, never dare to become like your mummy G.O, mama or one 'yeyebrity' or the other. Study the characteristics of a virtuous woman and let her traits manifest in you. 
Who's a woman of worth? 
A woman's worth is defined by so many factors. Although her price is far above rubies, I'll try and highlight important factors that defines who she is. 
First, her INNER BEAUTY. That is, the quality of her character and how indispensable she is. When your physical appearance cannot be seen, what comes to mind when your name is heard? Let your character be a light that would illuminate lives rather than your outward appearance that would attract morons. 
The world has made lots of women misplace their priorities. They have ignored all that matters and are now pursing external beauty. When you face begins to grow wrinkles and all those mascara doesn't look good anymore, what draws people to you or send people away is your character. 
How do you behave when the chips are down? How do you treat people around you: the rich, the poor, the rude, the polite, the wicked or those who are nice? May I suggest that you work on your inner beauty and outward beauty in ratio 70:30. 
Remember, it is better to dwell in the corner of a house than to live with a nagging woman. 
Second, her worth is defined by her TEMPERAMENT. I'm not here to teach about the four types of temperaments. How do you handle your emotions under certain circumstances? Is she gentle or harsh, loving or cruel? Work on your emotional life. A good temperament is better than adorning yourself with the most expensive ornament when you have temperament issues. You don't need to shout when you're angry or talk when you're tensed, nor display anger at every provocation. Be a woman of worth who has a meek and quiet spirit. 
Third, her worth is defined by her SENSE OF IDENTITY, knowing who she is (purpose) as a woman. When a woman knows who she is, she won't abuse herself with men or worldly passion. She won't be a victim of identity crisis. A woman who doesn't know her purpose in life will be used to fulfill the purpose of the wrong man. 
Your purpose is to be a help meet, not to all men but to your husband. When a woman fails to recognize her identity, she'll believe that she needs a man to validate her love and worth. See, it's a man that needs you to complement his life. 
Unfortunately, many ladies do not know who they are this is why they're victims of premarital sex, extramarital affairs, sexual immoralities, abortion, unprepared motherhood, unwanted pregnancy and the likes. When you lack the understanding of your sense of identity, lots of men out there will use you for what you're not. 
Fourth, her worth is defined by her ABILITY TO NURTURE SEEDS (children, resources, husband) into greatness. It's usually said that when you give a woman a sperm, she'll make a baby out of it; give her a house, she'll make it a home; give her money, she'll maximize it and so on. 
A woman who knows her worth won't be a spendthrift, extravagant or lavish her fortune on the unnecessary things of life. Why waste your money on frivolities when you can use it wisely? It doesn't matter if it's your hard earned money, of what good is buying the most expensive this or that when hundreds of children around you are without shoes, food, clothes or out of school? 
How are you able to nurture your siblings or children around you in becoming better than what they use to be? Develop love, compassion, persistence and determination in transforming lives around you. 
My dear sister, are you industrious or indolent, prudent or indiscreet? 
Fifth, her worth is defined by her PASSION FOR GOD. What are you passionate about? Many ladies are so passionate about the things that lacks eternal substance. They run after modeling, entertainment, fashion craze, celebrity, men of caliber and the pleasures of life. 
I don't cherish women whose pursuit is on mundane things, but I'm wowed when I see women who are sold out to God. Women who prays and heavens gives a listening ear because their voice commands God's attention. Women who speaks and have something worthwhile to say and they say it kindly. 
Your passion for God as a woman is the primary factor that determines your worth. She has an undying passion for God and it's not affected by marriage or child birth. Are you this kind of woman? 
Becoming this kind of woman is not a fairy tale, it is possible if you want to do so today. Take each factors at a time till it becomes part of you. 
© Oluwamayowa Adeniyi 2017
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